

11250 Uppsatser om Market basket analysis - Sida 1 av 750

Russinen ur kakan: - uppföljning av kampanjer i byggvaruhandeln

The Swedish do-it-yourself (DIY) market has expanded in recent years and is today a SEK90 billion market. Competition is fierce, however, and the DIY retail chains compete over market share with extensive marketing campaigns. Advances in computer technology have made it possible to acquire and compile huge quantities of point of sale data. However, due to a lack of economic theories and statistical methods, this data cannot be effectively utilized and the effects of the campaigns are not measured in any detail. In this study a new method was used to examine the effects of marketing campaigns in the DIY consumer market.

Public service vs Kommersiell TV. SVT, TV4-gruppen och MTG: En kvalitativ fallstudie om de ledande aktörerna på den svenska TV-marknaden och deras marknadsorientering.

The Swedish TV broadcasting market is constantly changing together with the players in it. The questionto be answered by this paper is how the players in the market handle these changes and to what extentthe players are changing the market. Also, are there any differences between the public service andcommercial players in this aspect? The purpose of this paper is to create a better understanding of theSwedish broadcasting market and its player's market orientation. Through case studies of the three mainbroadcasting companies, SVT, TV4-gruppen and MTG, the market is analyzed from their perspective.The conclusions from the analysis show that there are differences in the market orientation betweenpublic service and commercial players, where the commercial companies are more market driven..

I BRÄNNPUNKTEN: Samhällsekonomisk utvärdering av arbetsmarknadsåtgärder. Illustrerad med hjälp av Brännpunkt i Kävlinge 2002-2005

The purpose of this essay is to examine cost-benefit-analysis as a method of evaluation of labour market policy. To illustrate the possibilities and difficulties of the method chapter four contains a partial cost-benefit-analysis of the results of a labour market project in Kävlinge. The questions this essay strives to answer are the following: What possibilities and difficulties do cost-benefit-analyses entail? How would one conduct a cost-benefit-analysis of the project in Kävlinge?The method used in this essay is mainly a literature study of cost-benefit-analysis of labour market programs. The labour market project Brännpunkt is used as an example in a partial cost-benefit-analysis.The applied cost-benefit-analysis of the Brännpunkt project in Kävlinge shows that it is possible to calculate the profit for the society as a whole, given that the necessary information is obtainable.

Hur påverkar en konkurrensutsättning och ett varumärkesskifte statliga företags varumärkeshantering?

It is important for all companies to be seen on a competitive market. It?s all about positioning yourself so that you?re seen and that you?re are attractive for both customers and employees. A crucial factor to achieve this are how the brand are handle directly by the company it self and by the market. Establishing a brand on the market is not easy and it takes time to establish what the company stands for.

Hur påverkar en konkurrensutsättning och ett varumärkesskifte statliga företags varumärkeshantering?

It is important for all companies to be seen on a competitive market. It?s all about positioning yourself so that you?re seen and that you?re are attractive for both customers and employees. A crucial factor to achieve this are how the brand are handle directly by the company it self and by the market. Establishing a brand on the market is not easy and it takes time to establish what the company stands for. To be able to succeed with this you need to have a strategy and a strong belief on the brand.

Vinsten av konkurrens - En analys av Stopplagens konsekvenser för konkurrensen på sjukhusmarknaden

Abstract Title: Benefit from Competition ? An analysis of the consequences of Stopplagen for the Swedish health care market Author: Cecilia Halldelius Tutor: Carl Hampus Lyttkens Date: 2005-09-05 Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine how the new legislation for the health care market, primarily the anti-profit-legislation, will affect the competition in the Swedish health care market. Method: The thesis is based on literary studies. By combining theories and empirics regarding the health care market, competition and profit, a deeper understanding of the aspects important for the chosen subject, is created. Combined with official reports and the new legislation, an analysis is formed.

The effects of Joint Ventures announcements on stock returns behaviour - An Event Study of the Stock Market

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of joint venture announcements on stock prices behavior and simultaneously to test the German stock market (Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse) for efficiency. We tried not only to analyze the general impacts of a JV-announcement but also to look for differences in the market response to announcements of different types of joint ventures, namely: domestic, international, horizontal and vertical. Our expectations of efficient market were confirmed during our paper, which employed the technique of the standard event study. The calculation of abnormal returns which are the signals for market efficiency or inefficiency respectively were based on the market model, establishing linear relationship between the return on the market and the return on an individual security. The parameters of the model were obtained through regression analysis..

Lyx i lågkonjunktur : Ett marknadsperspektiv i svåra tider

This study will focus on the luxury market and how this market has been affected by the present recession. The economic downturn have had a major impact on today?s business and consumption, practically all industries have been affected. However there exist different opinions about how the luxury market have been influenced, certain experts mean that this segment is recession proof while others believe that this market will experience the worst side-effects. For that reason we find it interesting to analyze the luxury market and develop our own opinion about the impact of the recession.

ITP - Market Entry Strategy

Forces of innovation alter the course of many industries. Currently there is a restructuring of the Swedish energy sector due to deregulation. This in combination with advanced technologies generates an innovative and a highly changeable environment. The result is differentiation of services and products. New actors are emerging and corporations grow larger.


Anxiety och självförtroende är två idrottspsykologiska faktorer som enligt tidigare forskningär av betydelse för idrottsprestationen i tävlingssammanhang. Syftet med studien var att skapaen djupare förståelse för hur fem landslagsspelare i basket upplever och hanterar anxiety ochsjälvförtroende före samt under ett stort internationellt mästerskap. Fem manliga svenskabasketspelare intervjuades två gånger vardera; en gång före och en gång efter mästerskapet.Instrumenten som användes var två konstruerade intervjuguider baserade på CSAI-2.Intervjutexten analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys och citatplockmetoden.Resultaten visade på att anxiety och självförtroende många gånger kan upplevas som starkapåverkansfaktorer vid idrottsprestationen i tävlingssammanhang. Av resultaten framkom ävenatt hanteringen av anxiety och självförtroende kan ha betydelse för prestationen. Idiskussionen sammankopplas resultaten med tidigare forskning samt att förslag ges påframtida forskning kring anxiety och självförtroende inom idrott..

Nätverk ? mervärde för sponsorer? : En kvalitativ studie av Uppsala Baskets Nätverk

Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ fallstudie av Uppsala Baskets Nätverk, som är en mötesplats skapad för lagets sponsorer. Uppsatsen syftar till att studera om, och i så fall hur, Uppsala Baskets Nätverk skapar mervärde för sina medlemmar. Detta har genomförts med hjälp av observationer och intervjuer med Uppsala Basket samt dess sponsorer. Enligt vår studie får medlemmarna, genom sitt engagemang, relationsskapande och nätverkande, ut ett mervärde av sin sponsring. Vad de olika medlemmarna får ut av Nätverket varierar beroende på deras engagemang och hur viktigt de anser att det är att få ut något extra av sin sponsring.

Bellman Marknadsföring : Marknadspotential och förslag till lanseringsplan

This Master thesis was written in collaboration with the Kalmar-based consulting company Sederkvist Kommunikation. The purpose was to explore the market potential for Sederkvist Kommunikations new software Bellman Marketing. Based on these results a launch plan was created and advoice were given to Sederkvist Kommunikation as to how their new administrative tool could be introduced on the market. Data were collected through semi-structured telephone interviews. The population was Swedish so called Gazelle-companies (growth-companies listed yearly by the business newspaper Dagens Industri) and totally 27 units were examined.

Ändringarna i expropriationslagens ersättningsbestämmelser : Har lagändringarna lett till några effekter för Trafikverket?

In December 2005 the government ordered a group to investigate the compensation law of expropriation. The purpose was to change the law so that it would reflect today?s conditions of expropriation.  The result of the investigation was that some changes were made in the law of expropriation. The aim of the changes was to strengthen the ownership of properties. Following changes was made in august 2010; the deduction of tolerance was rescinded as well as the rule of presumption and a new rule was added saying that the market value/decrease in market value should be multiplied with 25 percent when the compensation was calculated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Trafikverket has experienced these changes from 2010.

Teknisk förstudie för bearbetning med industrirobot

In December 2005 the government ordered a group to investigate the compensation law of expropriation. The purpose was to change the law so that it would reflect today?s conditions of expropriation.  The result of the investigation was that some changes were made in the law of expropriation. The aim of the changes was to strengthen the ownership of properties. Following changes was made in august 2010; the deduction of tolerance was rescinded as well as the rule of presumption and a new rule was added saying that the market value/decrease in market value should be multiplied with 25 percent when the compensation was calculated. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Trafikverket has experienced these changes from 2010.

Business & Borsjtj : Att etablera ett företag på den ryska marknaden

The aim of this thesis is to map important strategies and factors that a firm, in this case Gunnebo Lifting AB can use when establishing themselves at the Russian market. The Russian market is today considered to be an emerging market. Within this study several areas of theory connected to entering new markets have been touched upon. These areas are market analysis, relationships and networking, internationalization processes, distribution chains, export issues and finally cultural distances. The empirical data for this thesis were collected through qualitative interviews.The results that arose when analyzing the theories combined with the empirical data pointed towards five strategies and factors of importance.

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